No logistic information for a long time: We will send you tracking number after we sending items, if the losgistic information updated normally, hope you can don't worry about it and just wait more days.

Meswao provides authorized aftersales warranty in United States, Canada, Britain, Europe.
If you are outside the above places, please check with the dealer where you buy for service.

All Meswao devices are guaranteed for at least one year.
For details, please check with the dealer where you buy for service.

1. Please check whether the host charging port and charger socket are damaged or have poor contact.
2. Please use the standard charger to charge the tablet for more than 30 minutes and check whether the tablet shows the charging prompt.
3. If you can't charge, please use the same specification charger and data cable to cross verify whether it is the problem of the charger or the host.
4.If all of the above factors are ruled out, the main board may be faulty and needs to be serviced.

It is normal that the tablet device gets hot when playing videos or games on it or charging it, however, you can reduce the hot by following actions:
1.Turn off the function and apps seldom used such as Wi-Fi, GPS etc.;
2.Turn down the brightness of the screen;
3.Turn off the apps running in the background periodically and clear cache periodically to keep enough running space all the time;
4.Uninstall abnormal apps with bugs which may cause much heat during running;
5.Do not use tablet during charging unless necessary.

If the above does not solve your problem, please feel free to contact us for more customer support.Email: Support@Meswao.com.